Getting toddlers to sleep through the night can be a challenge for parents. It requires a mix of patience, consistency, and creative strategies to help little ones fall into a deep sleep and stay there. As a dad, this is an area where you can really step up to help out mom, who is probably dealing with just about everything else. Whether your toddler is going through a sleep regression, or just entered the toddler phase of life, sleep is important, and you can get them back to sleeping through the night.
Here are some simple tips and strategies for helping toddlers transition to a full night’s sleep.
Establish consistent sleep times
Having a consistent sleep schedule is important for young children. Establish regular bedtimes and regular wake up times. When the same schedule is followed every night, your toddler’s body starts to adjust and fall into a predictable sleep pattern. I’ll touch base on routines a bit further down, but toddlers absolutely need routines and consistency. Without it they struggle, but with it they thrive!
Keep bedtime stress-free
Make sure your toddler gets enough rest and relaxation before bedtime. This can include doing something calming like reading a book or taking a warm bath. Avoid any activities that are likely to cause excitement or anxiety.
Have a routine
Having a bedtime routine can be helpful in getting your toddler ready to sleep. It can include activities like brushing teeth, putting on pyjamas, reading stories, and singing songs. This helps to cue your toddler’s body to know when it’s time for sleep. Like I mentioned earlier with consistent sleep times, toddlers need structure and routine in all aspects of their life. Having a bedtime routine is absolutely critical to getting them to sleep through the night.
Give comfort objects
Comfort objects such as a favourite stuffed toy or a blanket can be reassuring for a toddler who is having trouble falling asleep. This can be especially comforting for a child who is transitioning to a new bed or a new room. For example, if you just got your toddler into a new bed and ditched their crib setup then it is handy to retain at least whatever comfort object they used to have with them. Too many new things at once can be overwhelming, and to a toddler it can leave them feeling insecure which will prevent them from falling asleep and keep them up at night.
Avoid too much stimulation
I cannot stress how important this one is given how much we all rely on technology these days. Don’t get me wrong, technology can be a great benefit to your toddler, and I am in no way implying you should completely ditch it. But before bedtime, avoid screens and other activities that may be too stimulating for your toddler. It’s important to keep electronics out of the bedroom, as the blue light can interfere with a good night’s sleep.
Be patient
Getting toddlers to sleep through the night can be a long process. It is important to stay consistent and be patient. Remember that it is natural for children to have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep in the early years. With time and patience, your toddler should eventually fall into a regular sleep pattern.
By following these tips, you can help your toddler settle into a consistent sleep routine and get the restful sleep they need. At the same time, you and mom will also be back to sleeping through the night and that should help the whole household.