Planning a kid’s birthday party

A successful birthday party is an important event for children, and with the right planning and preparation, it can be a day that they’ll remember for years to come. But planning a kid’s birthday isn’t always as simple as it seems. Please don’t even think about winging it because it’ll probably be more stressful and…

Top 5 tips for being a good new dad

Good new dads are those who are active and involved in their child’s life, provide guidance and support, and strive to be the best fathers they can be. This can involve taking part in activities with the child, providing financial stability, and offering emotional and physical support. Being a good new dad has many benefits,…

Hello world!

Welcome to! This is a websites for all the dads, whether you’re a new dad, a single dad, a step-dad, etc. We are here to help you through this strange and exciting concept we call dad life. Enjoy, and don’t be shy to contribute!